Workshop "All about the Transformer Core“
The companies IsoTek and Schweizer welcomed transformer manufacturers from all over Germany and Europe to the IsoTek premises in Möckmühl on 18-19 October 2022.
The two-day Workshop was mainly dedicated to the presentation of innovations around the transformer core, such as the Polyglas© semiconductor tape POSECO and the pill carpet from IsoTek, as well as the high temperature solutions from Schweizer.
The workshop consisted of a mixture of interesting presentations by guest speakers from DuPont (Jean-Claude Duart: Innovative and future-oriented transformers - design solution for increasing grid requirements), Cargill (Mark-André Thelen: FR3 as a liquid to insulation system for the design of high temperature transformers) and FISO (Peter Kropmeier: Measuring and monitoring the HotSpot temperatures of transformers) and live demonstrations of the IsoTek winding machine on the core dummy with the semiconductor tape POSECO, including the review of the results after curing in the oven.
We are particularly looking forward to the exchange of ideas and stimulating discussions on the topics of production optimization, high-temperature solutions and future-oriented transformer operation.
We, the companies IsoTek and Schweizer, would like to thank all participants once again and look forward to another workshop in 2023.